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0 Articles Written Last Month
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Adding Charts to Tabs
There are three types of chart items that can be added to a tab, they are: a Chart Item. a Status Item; and a Table Item. They are all added via the Add Chart icon, which looks like a plus sign, in the bottom right of a dashboard tab. You can add a chart to an existing tab, or you can add a new dashboard tab by clicking the New Tab link in the t...
2 min reading timeActivity Log (IMS Audit Log)
The IMS Activity log keeps track of all the changes inside the IMS application. The action, user and timestamp activity logs are captured. Activity Log Overview...
0 min reading timeMeasurement and Path Profile
Table of Contents The measurement and path profile tool can be used to calculate distance and a path profile chart between multiple points on the map. Measurement Tool To calculate distances between multiple points, left click twice anywhere on the map. You will see a white line appear that indicates the distance between the two selected points. You...
0 min reading timeFAQ - How is the latency and availability calculated?
IMS tries to do 1 ping per second per device (spread across 4 worker threads- configurable; when a statistic for a device is gathered (every 8 seconds) the last 8 seconds of ping data is aggregated and placed against it in the form of connectivity and latency values; here are some example raw pings and their aggregated results: 8 failed pings connec...
0 min reading timeFAQ - What commands do you run on our hardware and how long does it take?
Cisco WLC to get AP Info via SSH It will take 1.2 seconds to run the following commands: show ap config 802.11a summary show ap config 802.11b summary show advanced 802.11a summary show advanced 802.11b summary show advanced 802.11a txpower show advanced 802.11b txpower show mesh neigh summary all show client summary ip show client summary show ap g...
1 min reading timeAlerts (Tripped Triggers)
Alerts are sent to the user when a condition is met with a configured trigger. By default, the Alert will display on the screen for a few seconds when it triggers. After that it can be accessed from the Alerting Triggers icon at the top of the IMS window, or from the Triggers tab. Alerting triggers are red: To see what Asset or IP Device tripped the...
0 min reading timeIncidents (Ticket Management)
IMS contains an integrated ticketing system. This ticketing system is used in conjunction with the user defined triggers, these triggers provide the base information for ticket generation. A user can still manually create an incident (ticket): Ticket Tab Overview Tickets can be created as a problem or an incident. A problem can be defined as a cause...
0 min reading timeAggregate Table
The Aggregate Table keeps track of the current site wide latency and connectivity for the different technology types that have been tagged with the relevant tag. If latency or availability go beyond a configurable threshold, the cells will turn from green to red. You would hope that all the technology in your site had connectivity as close to 100% a...
0 min reading timeReports Tab
The Reports page allows the user to generate a report based off of the available user created dashboard tabs. Report Tab Overview Adding / Editing a Report (Report Options) To create a new Report, click the Create Report link. To edit a report, click its name:...
0 min reading timeInfo Boxes
An Info Box shows statistics for a selected asset, IP device or connection and details about a selected zone for the exact moment in time described by the date/time picker and the time slider. Scrubbing the time slider back and forth will instantly update the statistics in the info boxes. Each selection will result in separate info boxes that are pl...
0 min reading timeSharing a KMZ File
Sometimes you may wish to save your currently visible assets to be viewed independently of IMS. You can do this by using the “Download KMZ” functionality in the share tab located in the top right-hand corner. This KMZ can be loaded into programs such as Google Earth....
0 min reading timeManaging and Sharing Tabs
Manage Tab Overview The Manage Tab allows for an IMS user to share or import Dashboard Tabs. Any tab that you create in IMS is only available to the user that created it. If you would like to share a tab you have made or import a tab that another user has shared, you can do this through Manage Tabs:...
0 min reading timeTriggers (Condition Monitoring)
Trigger Tab Overview Alerts and triggers are a component of the IMS analytics. An organisation can setup any type of alarm or trigger they require. Unique scenarios can be created around personnel, asset, vehicle and any other IoT device based on behaviour, movement, statistics, or geo-based data. Real time alerts such as email, SMS and IMS incident...
1 min reading timeLogical Views
Changing Visualisation Options The Asset colouring options use the standard Assets > Map Options > Asset Colouring:...
0 min reading timeGetting Help
Inbuilt Help (Self Help) The primary method of getting help in IMS using the help functionality that is built into the application. The built-in help consists of guided tours of app functionality that are launched from the area of the app that you are interested in or from the main help menu in the top right-hand corner of IMS. Search Help Menu Clic...
0 min reading timeStat Browser
The Stat Browser is a raw data viewer. The columns of the table will change depending on the type of stat being viewed. IMS ships with some default stat types viewable in the Stat Browser: IP Device Log The IP Device Log stat is commonly used to record syslog data sent from devices to the IMS server. Estimated Movement The Estimated Movement stat i...
0 min reading timeOverview Layout
Update Overview Layout The overview page can allow a user to create a dashboard , reports , incidents , triggers , check IMS activity , device logs , logical view of the network, manage Assets / IP Devices and create data using ‘IMS’ own query language, IMSQL....
0 min reading timeConfiguration of Imagery Layers and Terrain Providers
Update Configuration of Imagery Layers and Terrain Providers Imagery layers and Terrain providers can be added, removed, and changed from the Administration tab. Modifying Imagery Layers The following imagery providers are supported in IMS. Tile Map Service ArcGis OpenStreetMap Web Map Tile Service Cesium Ion Imagery Mapbox Webmap Service Related Ar...
0 min reading timeSharing Your Current View
If you wish to share your current view, you can get a shareable link by selecting ‘Copy link to current view’ in the share panel top right-hand corner. Sharing your current view will include any assets you have selected and whether terrain is enabled....
0 min reading timeManaging Assets and IP Devices
Manage Tab Overview - List Manage Tab Overview - Asset Table Manage Tab Overview - IP Device Table...
0 min reading timeUsing Bulk Edit Mode
Update Table of Contents Adding an AssetAdding an IP DeviceConfiguration of an IP DeviceSetting Asset and IP Device IntegrationAdding TagsAdding CommentsDeleting Assets and IP Devices Bulk edit Mode works in the same way that editing a single Asset or IP Device, the difference is that you select all the things that you want to make changes, then you...
2 min reading timeFurther configuration of settings
Other settings can be changed in the configuration tab such as: Base Bing Layer; Live Latency; Heatmaps; Connection Lines; and Throughput Units. Base Bing Layer When no imagery layers are configured, a base imagery layer (Bing Maps) is provided. This can be enabled or disabled from the following option. When this option is disabled and no imagery la...
1 min reading timeSwapping from the Map View to the Overview
You can use the View change buttons to move around IMS:...
0 min reading timeCameras (CCTV Streams)
Loading and Opening CCTV Feeds Click on the Cameras Tab, you are given some time before the cameras start to load, so if you do not want the camera feeds to load simply choose another tab, if you want to speed up the camera loading you can click the Load Camera Feeds button: Once the Cameras load, you will see a low resolution, low framerate image. ...
0 min reading time