FAQ - What is the polling cycle and how does it work?

Quick Start Guide FAQ

Written By Mick Simpson ()

Updated at March 5th, 2025

Most of the network -related and location related polling engines within the IMS operate on an 8 second cycle (though this configurable at the cost of data accuracy/user experiences).

Practically, a polling cycle timeline works as follows:

  • (Wake up from sleep if not first poll)
  •  Get the data from the device
    •  If SNMP
      • GETs and GETNEXTs on targeted OIDs only (no full walks)
    • If SSH
      • Targeted commands
      • Compression enabled (to minimise load on network)
    • If HTTP
      • Targeted endpoints (URLs)
      • Parse, process and export the data.
  • Sleep for whatever is left of the 8 second cycle.